I can hardly believe it is almost 50 degrees this morning.  We can see patches of grass in January!  How crazy is that???

Well the roads are much better but our drive however is completely icy.    It’s a huge sheet of ice with a few patch of gravel poking through.  Jeremy didn’t get home till after 10 last night and hasn’t had time to take care of anything else than work these days.  He’s pretty wiped out.  The boys are going to throw some sand and gravel out on it so I can venture into town and stock up again.  We ran out of coffee this morning…and thought we had a back up bag of coffee beans in the pantry only to find to my horror *gasp* DECAF!  So I have no choice but to brave our icy drive and go in town.  It’ll be good for me I know.

Yesterday I actually had a very productive day. I did wear my comfy pajama pants all day but I also did not lay around and read, watch tv or nap.  I had a burst of energy and cleaned bathrooms, vacuumed,  changed sheets, made banana bread and rocked out with the kids on Rock Band.  They unlocked a bunch of very cool songs and we had to try them all out!   Classics from The Who, Steve Miller Band, Kansas, Journey, ACDC & Bon Jovi!    It’s hard for me to even put ACDC or Bon Jovi in the “classic” category but the kids date me and remind me constantly that some of my favorite songs that I love are 20…30…+  years old.  

Besides rocking out & doing things around the house we also had a pretty productive day homeschooling.  Kids did lots of things on their own but we also did a few science experiments.  We learned about Newton’s 1st law of motion.    We used the ice outside for sliding and learned the principle an object in motion stays in motion.   We also did a few experiments inside with pennies and eggs for the principle of an object at rest tends to stay at rest.  Out of the 4 of us we only broke one egg!    Not too bad when 1/2 the time I break a few eggs just bringing them home from the store!!