You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2009.

Man!  Has it really been since January that I blogged?  It’s been so long I didn’t remember my password to get into my own blog.  Now that is long!

I obviously won’t go into the details of the last 4 or so months that would take a new blog in itself.  So I’ll just do a little update of the recent things going on for us!

We officially finished up with homeschooling last week but really haven’t been doing anything too structured for awhile.  The weather has been nice, things have come up and we have just been busy with life.  Kids are always doing interesting things and learning though.  Haley right now has started an archaeological dig in the yard and has been working on that everyday.  It is so cute!  She goes out to her hole  dig and chips away at the dirt with her little tools.  She collects interesting rocks   specimens in her little bag.  She uses a brush and a magnifying glass and is very scientific & professional.

The boys have been busy with Scouts.  They have gone on campouts,  hikes, community service events and most recently a fun Turkey Shoot.  In a few weeks they are going on a 6 day canoe trip.  Jeremy will be leading that trip.  So it will be just Haley and me all alone….whatever shall we do???  Whatever shall we not do??? 

Hunter started up with baseball again and unfortunately his last few weeks of baseball & playoffs are when we were planning to go back to MN for my 20th highschool reunion.  We haven’t made reservations yet but I am having a hard time with this decision of making him miss baseball.  He is having a fantastic season so far.  5 homeruns in the last 3 games.  He wants to try out for All Stars and if we go back when we do he won’t be able to.  He also wants to go to Minnesota.  Sooooooo what to do???  I am seriously thinking of missing my reunion and going a few weeks earlier.  We could go over the 4th of July when he has less games going on…get back for the last few games, playoffs and All Star tryouts.   It’d be cool to be gone over the 4th and actually be somewhere warm & dark for the fireworks!  The kids have only seen fireworks when it’s dark in the winter.  It’s really not the same to be bundled up from head to toe watching fireworks compared to sprawled out on a beach blanket… decisions, decisions to make.  I need to make them fast too because other people are making their plans based on us! 

This weekend we hope to get the garden in….we should hopefully not be getting anymore frosts.  The forecast is rain but so far today it is nice and sunny!  We have had a fantastic May.   More nice days this month than what we had combined for last summer.   Loving this great weather….and on that note I better catch it while I can.