You are currently browsing the monthly archive for October 2008.

So I decided to start a new blog….this will be to keep me sane through the long, dark, cold winter months…and a place I can document and share everything that is going on in our family. 

An introduction for those who don’t know me…I’m Heather from the great state of Alaska.  Married 18 years to Jeremy and a mom to 3 cute kids Tanner, Hunter & Haley.  The kids have always been homeschooled except for Tanner trying out Public School in 2nd grade for a month and half.  We have been talking about school for next year but time will tell.  Jeremy started his own cleaning & restoration company over 12 years ago.   I do the internet stuff for the business but that has been about it these days since raising our kids is my first priority. As they get older I’m sure that will change.

My blog will be about everything my kids, my dogs, our adventures, Alaska….my new passions of photography, fitness and yoga….my insprirations….welcome to my bloggy and don’t be shy say hello!