Hunter & Haley seem to be really liking school. The new schedule is a little tough especially for Hunter who has football going on. He gets off the bus at 4:05 but it has been running 20 minutes late this week, has to leave our house around 5 and doesn’t get home until around 8:30.  Thankfully his teacher doesn’t believe in giving out homework.  He will only ever get homework if he doesn’t finish his work he is doing in school.  Makes total sense to me and I think that is how it should be for a 5th grader!   He is supposed to do reading at home but that is no biggie or nothing new. 

Haley seems to really love school.  She was upset yesterday with the bus since she is not allowed to sit with the older kids.  Like 4th & 5thgraders are that much older!  Ridiculous to me!!  The neighbor girl who plays with Haley is in 4th grade so it really upset her.  But today she seemed to be okay. 

For me…I am seriously missing having all my kids with me.  It seems so weird.  But I think it will be a good experience for everyone.  We’ll see.  I don’t like having our schedule around the school schedule but that is just how it is and we’ll adapt I’m sure.  Today we had a 5.0 earthquake and made be worry about Hunter & Haley not being with me and all the what ifs that pop up for an emergency….

Tanner hasn’t had his sign ups for classes at the charter school yet but we did get a chance to plan out some things for homeschooling this year.  Since he is 90% sure he is going to high school we are going to work on some things at home extra hard so he will adapt to school next year smoothly.    Today he started up with prealgebra, spelling, reading, grammar & math drills.  We decided on the K12 Earth Science Curriculum and American History for his social studies and just need to order it now.   For writing he is going to use an online program through the charter school and will also take a writing course.   It should keep us both busy.   

Garden keeps producing and I almost want a frost just to be done.   I hate to say this but I am ready for fall & winter.  Ready for cozy, dark nights in front of the fire.  Ready for things to slow down once again.   But…as long as the garden is producing I will keep harvesting, preserving and making things.  On that note I am off to make some salsa!  Promised the boys I’d make some for when they get home from football practice tonight.  I better get moving!